Wednesday, April 20, 2011

cockroaches of unusual size

and mobility...they fly here. that's right. giant flying cockroaches.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

great graffiti

food fun

snakeskin fruit – obviously named for its appearance, but the tough looking outer skin easily peels off to reveal what looks and feels like elephant garlic. However the taste couldn’t be more opposite! It is sweet and nutty, like a super crisp pear. Awesome.

Ah. Ubud.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

regular randomness

Where curbs in America are for separation between street and sidewalk, here they are just another place to put a religious statue.

word play

The Indonesian word for “water” is “air” (roll the “r” like in Spanish)

The Indonesian word for “soy sauce” is “kecap” (the “c” is pronounced “ch” so it sounds like “ketchup”)

The Indonesian word for “I’m sorry” is “maaf” (pronounced “mah-aff” like so in my head it sounds like “mah bad”)